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open books


Neck Injuries/Medico-legal 

'Excellence in medicolegal reporting' Invited as an expert, to prepare an online 6,000 word review of best practice in writing reports on personal injury with emphasis on neck and back injuries. Published September 2006 on the UK’s largest online educational publication for doctors run by doctors.


‘Personal Injury and Criminal Trauma’ Vols. 1.1 & 1.2 published by Medicolegal Publications.


Mr McCabe was sole author of a review chapter (12,000 words, 13 major references, and many more other papers reviewed) on ‘Soft Tissue Injuries of the Cervical Spine’ covering aspects such as Prognosis, Pathology, Anatomy, Investigations and Treatment.  The chapter is written as an aid for the personal injury lawyer or insurance broker rather than for doctors.


The CD includes contributions from experts such as Professor Bernard Knight, Forensic Pathologist on ‘Wounds and Stabbings’.


Mr McCabe was the sole author of a review chapter on ‘Neck Injuries’ in a CD-ROM for personal injury lawyers, principally entitled ‘Medico-Legal Solutions – Personal Injury and Criminal Trauma’ [Medico-legal Publications].


Mr McCabe collaborated with Prof. Matthew Cooke in the national 'MINT' trial of Physiotherapy vs. standard treatment in Neck Injuries with over 600 patients recruited locally in 2007 [see references for publication in Lancet].


Resuscitation after trauma’ – S McCabe Chapter 9 ‘Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation’ Edited by Dr P J F Baskett Anaesthesia Monograph Series published by Elsevier Publishers (1990)


'Lung water in relation to sepsis’ Ledingham I McA, Woodcock T, McCabe S, Ramsay G & Wallace P.  Chapter in ‘Pulmonary problems in Intensive Care Medicine’.   Iphrazam Medical Forum (1986): 10:30-36



Burns in Children - Accident or Abuse?   Benger J., McCabe S. Emergency Medical Journal May 2001


The use of audit to set up a Thrombolysis programme in the Accident & Emergency department. Kendall J M, McCabe S E.  Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine, January 1996, Vol 13:1:49-53


Thrombolysis in the A&E Department - The audit approach McCabe S E, Kendall J M. Network, September 1994  16 1-4


Topical anaesthetic for the suturing of childhood lacerations: an acceptable approach?  Kendall J M, Charters A C, McCabe S E. Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine, March 1996 13 119


A tide of change in the management of an old fracture?   Kendal J M, Allen P, McCabe S E.  Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine, September 1995 Vol. 12:3 pp 187-9


Prospective comparison of Biers and Haematoma blocks in the reduction of Colle’s fractures Kendall, J M, Allen P, Younge P, Meek S, McCabe S E. Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine, September 1995 Vol 12:3:pp 247-8


A new chart to assist with Advanced Trauma Life Support   Palmer I P, Baskett P J F, McCabe S .J R Army Med. Corps. 1992:138:pp118-125


Correlation of Pain and X-ray Appearances with Traction Splintage in the Immediate Management of Lower Limb Fractures   McCabe S E, Small D J, Troughton A H.   Br. J. Assoc. Immed. Care 1991: 14-1


‘Ultrasound guided needle aspiration of the obstructed catheter’   McCabe S, Patterson J.BMJ 1984:289:pp837


‘Sickness score evaluation in MICU patients’   Bion J F, McCabe S E, Edlin S, Ramsay G, Ledingham IMcA BMJ 1985:291:pp 432-4


‘Extravascular lung water in CAVG surgery’   McCabe S, Woodcock T, Wallace P. Scottish Medical Journal, October 1984


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