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Mr Stphen E McCabe About Me - McCabe Med

I qualified as an MBChB at the University of Glasgow in 1978.  I held various posts in Scotland including Houseman at Paisley Royal Alexander Infirmary (1978-79), Senior House Officer in Orthopaedics at Glasgow Royal Infirmary (79-80) and Senior House Officer/Registrar Surgical Rotation in Glasgow (1980-83).


In 1982 I gained the FRCS final exam in the Glasgow and Edinburgh Royal Colleges.


During 1982-84 I was Research Registrar at Western Infirmary, Glasgow, where I was involved with the Intensive Care 'Shock Team' retrieving sick patients from outlying hospitals, working on ITU and conducting sepsis and haemorrhagic shock research.


In1984 I moved South to England as a Senior Registrar in Accident & Emergency working a 4 year training rotation between Taunton, Bath and Frenchay Hospitals. This period included valuable training attachments in Plastic Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Burns, Cardiology,  Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Paediatrics at the Bristol Children's Hospital as well as further Orthopaedic training in Taunton and Bristol.


​I was the Senior Consultant in the Emergency Department at Gloucester Royal Hospital from July 1988 when I became a fully accredited Accident & Emergency Consultant until August 2018 when I decided to increase my medicolegal work whilst still enjoying front-line ED work at Hereford County Hospital.


During the 90s I held positions which included Honorary Secretary of the British Association for A&E Medicine; Chairman of the Hospital Audit Committee; Chairman of the Paramedic Steering Group of Gloucestershire and I was Southwest Regional Representative of BAAEM National Executive.  I was also Co-founder of the Regional MTOS (Multiple Trauma Outcome Study) Group and Founding Fellow of the Faculty of A&E Medicine Joint Colleges. I was active in the merger of the Association and the Faculty in 1996 which created the (now Royal) College of Emergency Medicine.


I have published on Trauma charts, Colle’s Fractures, Burns , Boerhaaves Syndrome, amongst others and contributed 600 patients to the collaborative 200

 MINT trial of physio therapy in Whiplash. The latter is the largest prospective study of whiplash patients ever published ( in the Lancet ).


Full details can be found on the curriculum vitae section of this website.


It's not all medicine though; I am married and have three children.  I enjoy keeping myself fit swimming and when I can, I love to ski and get on the golf course as often as I can.


My knowledge interest and training in sports injuries was utilised as club doctor to Gloucester Rugby Club from 1989 to 2000, and I remain an avid fan and season ticket holder. 

Education & Training


MBChB, The University of Glasgow 


FRCS, Glasgow and Edinburgh

1988 - 2018

Consultant in Accident & Emergency at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

2018 - Present

Consultant in ED Hereford County Hospital

About Mr McCabe

Research Publications

I have published widely on trauma, fractures and emergency medicine, and was a referee for papers for the Journal of A&E Medicine.


I was the sole author of a review chapter on ‘Neck Injuries’ in a CD-ROM for personal injury lawyers, principally entitled ‘Medico-Legal Solutions – Personal Injury and Criminal Trauma’ [Medico-legal Publications].


I collaborated with Prof. Matthew Cooke in the national 'MINT' trial of Physiotherapy vs. standard treatment in Neck Injuries with over 600 patients recruited locally in 2007 [see references for publication in Lancet].


- 2019 -

“The procedure for booking appointments and general correspondence is first class and the reports provided by Mr McCabe are detailed, clear and very rarely require amendments.”

- 2019 -

”…he was very good, I can’t say more. Wish he was my GP. “

Consultant in Emergency Medicine

Mr Stephen E McCabe

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Contact Information

McCabeMedicoLegal Limited

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07719 521 327 (Secretary)


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Registered Office:  Carrick House, Lypiatt Road, Cheltenham, GL50 2QJ

Company Registration Number:  7682717

Registered in England and Wales

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